"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

Thursday, January 20, 2011

no more excuses!

Have you ever wondered why the Bible doesn't talk more about Jesus's childhood?  The only account the Bible gives is in Luke 2:41-52 it talks of him when he was 12 years old in the temple.  He and his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover.  When it was over, His parents left to go home and Jesus stayed... Mary and Joseph traveled for a day and then realized Jesus wasn't with them... 3 days later they found him sitting in the temple with all of the teachers.. Mary asked why Jesus treated her like that and his reply was "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"  

I believe this account in Luke gives us the reason there is not more mentioned of Jesus's upbringing... it doesn't matter. 

Although Jesus loved his parents, He knew who His Father was... God.  His upbringing, whether he had amazing parents, or terrible parents did not matter.  His Father was God.  Mary and Joseph were humans so you know they made mistakes as parents just like we all do.  Jesus didn't grow up and hold that against them.  No, it didn't matter because He knew who His Father was and that is who He followed.  He didn't make excuses for bad behavior and say ... well look how I was raised... the reason I am the way I am is because of how I was raised... You may say "but He was Jesus, I'm not"  Well beloved, I will tell you that if you have put your faith in Jesus Christ and have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you... you are a NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17).  You are reborn into a new family and God the Father is the head of that family! (Ephesians 1:4-6) So no matter how you grew up and how many mistakes your parents made... you have been given everything you need in the Holy Spirit to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3). 

No more excuses.  Stop hiding behind the mistakes of your parents. Forgive your parents, and look to the one true Father.  The Father that will never let you down... who is faithful, trustworthy and abounding in love.  He can and will restore your heart.  I am living proof!

Friday, January 14, 2011

looking through a window- D-daddy

Last night I had a dream about my D-daddy.  For those of you who don't know, he went to be with Jesus this past December.  I dreamed that I saw him through a window at my grandmommies house.  He looked the way he always has looked to me... like D Daddy... but his face was soft and full of grace... almost glowing... he was more slender...He locked eyes with me and smiled the biggest smile at me as I was calling for him... and then slowly he disappeared.  I screamed for him to come back but he didn't.. and I wept.  When I woke up I felt all of those feelings all over again... the shock of losing him... but it was also very refreshing to see his face again.  Even if it was just a dream... he smiled at me. 
His life on this earth taught me so much... more than I could ever write in a blog... but God has used his death even more.  The day I drove frantically to get to the hospital before he passed... the whole way up there I was just praying "Lord, please just let him hold on just a few more minutes..."  about 10 minutes before I got there... I was in front of Walgreen's on Youree Dr... I felt him go.  I don't know how... but I broke down there in my car... just me and the Lord... I arrived at the hospital and ran up to his room.. turned the corner and saw him laying there... I have never in my life felt the feelings that I felt at that moment... there was no thinking... there was no deliberation... just raw emotion and reaction... my family was gathered around his bed ... and he was gone... my knees buckled and had it not been for my uncle I probably would have hit the floor... he was gone.  For the next hour I sat on his bed looking at him and wondering what he was experiencing... wondering who he was seeing and if he had got to see Jesus yet.. because I know that is what he was so excited about... For whatever reason... the Lord didn't answer my prayer... I wasn't there when he breathed his last breath... but I trust him.  I am so thankful that my D-daddy is finally where his heart has longed to be... I am also thankful that God gave me that dream... There have been numerous instances in my life that I have had dreams where I have seen things through a window and all of those things have had spiritual meaning...  I consider that dream a blessing and I feel as though it was reassurance from the Lord that D Daddy is so happy... and that he loves me... i miss his so much but I rejoice with all of me that he is with Jesus.

Monday, January 10, 2011

When is the last time you were persecuted for standing for Christ?

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way the persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matt 5:11-12

Oh my Lord.  How I love you!  For what else and in who else could I rejoice when those I love speak evil against me for standing for you? Thank you for your love.

My question to you is this.. When is the last time you were persecuted for standing for Christ?  How did you handle it?  Did you rejoice? Share if you are led... I would love to hear your stories of triumph and hardships... we are in this together.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Man vs. Woman

Today Luke and I were sitting on the couch together.  He was playing a game of NCAA football on the PlayStation and I was feeding Halle a bottle and we were just hanging out partaking in some pretty enriching and oh-so-interesting small talk lol. I caught a glimpse of Erin Andrews on the screen and started the topic of how she is like the playgirl of sports.. (for those of you who don't know she is a reporter for ESPN knows her stuff and seems to be a sweet girl) which then leads to the topic of Satan's attack on men and women.  Bottom line is this... Satan preys on the God-given attraction that men have for women with the intention of twisting it into a perverted lust declaring to all men that they cant get enough... that desire is always there.. wanting more...
He preys on woman's desire to be desired... to be loved... to be wanted... to hold the eye of her man... to feel like the only woman in the world to her man..  He is constantly lying to men telling them that they need more.. what they have isn't enough... and he lies to women by telling them they aren't enough... will never be good enough... if only I looked like her.. then maybe I could hold his attention and he wouldn't notice the other women... Here is the truth: Men if you truly want to live a godly life.. to honor God with your thoughts.. to honor your woman.. or future woman... you are gonna be attracted to women... but it is possible to take every thought captive and through much prayer and practice of self-control overcome the bondage of lust.. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed me with a husband that is open and trusts me enough to share his struggles... don't get me wrong ladies.. the first few conversations we had about his struggles as a man were not easy for me to swallow.. especially seeing as though I was deeply insecure at the time... but through these conversations.. God used Luke's openness to heal a lot of the insecurities that I had... as well as make us stronger because instead of him fighting this battle alone.. I stand beside him in support.. and I protect him as much as I can by being careful what is on our t.v. and what catalogs i leave laying around (ahem Victoria Secret)..  The first time we had this conversation as far as I can remember I didn't handle it very well ... but with more explanation God opened my eyes and I understand a lot better what goes on in the mind of a man... and I cant tell you how precious it is that my husband trusts me to share that intimate part with me... I cant tell you how overcome with gratitude I am that my husband loves God and me more than his flesh... He loves and cares about honoring us.. He will attest to the say that God has brought him to a place where he sees women as sisters.. and that is by PRAYER and taking captive many thoughts... so young men be encouraged!!! If that is something you truly want to overcome and get control of... if the Holy Spirit resides in you, you have everything you need to live a holy and godly life!  2 Tim 1:7
Now ladies... on to you... the truth is... you will never be good enough... that's right.. there is always going to be someone more beautiful... thinner... younger... better dressed.. stop trying to look like that magazine cover because it isn't going to happen.. and just so you know.. the people on the magazine cover don't even look like the magazine cover... they may as well be looking at a comic strip of wonder woman BC it is fake... your beauty needs to come from Jesus.  That desire to captivate your man... well I want to share with you that you do captivate someone.. and his name is Jesus... you are God's beautiful creation and you captivate him... stop trying to fill that void by attaining some status that doesn't even exist..
I have battled insecurity for so long on my appearance... mainly weight.. it was never enough.. "If i could just lose 5 more pounds.. then maybe I would feel desirable"... 5 more would go... and nope... still feel sucky.. it wasn't until I started praying that the Lord would let me see myself through his eyes that I began to truly "feel" beautiful... and I do.. I feel beautiful.. I am a "soft and jiggly" 111 lbs... 5 foot 4 (on a good day) with a pair of saggy boobies that have definitely seen better days thanks to breast feeding.. my work out used to consist of running 5 miles every day coupled with weight training.. and now it consists of running after a precious 3 year old little boy who is bursting with life coupled with lifting a 17 pound bundle of preciousness named Halle Noelle who has me enchanted.. and I feel more beautiful than I ever have.. because I have my Lord's attention.. He completes every empty part of me.. He is all I need... He made me.. and loves me.. and beloved sister.. He sees you the same.. so quit listening to that lie... let the Lord come in and fill that void you are chasing to fill with the latest diet... He is all you need.. and there is healing in Him.. He is all that can complete you. (1 Tim 2:9-10 Proverbs 31:30)
If you are married and reading this... I would encourage you to talk to your spouse about this with caution.. everyone is at different places.. he or she may not feel comfortable talking at first.. but make sure if they do open up about it you respond gently and be encouraging!!! if you get defensive your spouse more than likely wont feel safe to talk to about it anymore.. and that is not what you want.  For anyone who knows me knows that I am feisty and when I am stung by the insecurity bug my first reaction is goes like this (hand on the hip) oh uh uh hunny... i get mad.. and defensive.. not good.. please ladies take my word for it.. before you bring this up.. it would be a good idea to get "prayed up" and be prepared to hear some things that may sting a little... and Men... word of advise.. don't EVER use the word "hot" to describe anything but southern summers... spicy crawfish.. or YOUR wife...  just a tip ;)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well hey there whoever you are :)  I guess this is my first post... first things first... I type like I think... fast.  So if you are annoyed with run-on sentences and bad grammar... this isn't the place for you.  But I hope you get over it and stick around. 
Okay so for those of you who don't know... "Agape" is the Greek word for love.  It is the word used in the Bible when it is referring to God's love for us.  It is divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.  What better name could I have chosen :) 
Let me say that the reason for this blog is not for me to share every sneeze, cough and burp of my life.  The purpose of this blog is to share with others, the things that God Almighty is revealing to me in hopes that by me sharing, others will also share what is going on in their lives.  I love people and have a genuine interest in their "story".  I welcome opinions... criticisms.. whatever.. I am transparent.. an open book.. and I love it when others share themselves and let me read their "open book" as well.
I have spent some time talking with the Lord asking Him to help me to truly love Him more and others more.  Let me be honest, in the past, people annoyed me.  Let me be even more honest in saying they still do at times, however its different.  Growing up the way I did left little patience for people's "humanness".  It wasn't until God put a big o' mirror in front of my face that I realized "Hey I have a lot of that 'humaness' myself!" (imagine that) I believe in preacher talk that would be called being humbled.  So after realizing how broken I was and how easily I can fall without my Savior... I began seeing others a little differently.  Instead of being frustrated when I hear how they dropped the ball... my heart aches with them.  Granted, it came from a place of wanting the best for my loved ones but I was all wrong.  Every time I hear that old know-it-all creeping up... I remind myself "Melissa Gayle, it could have easily been you.  Its only by the grace of God its not."  So I pray for them and look for opportunity to be an encourager.  With all of this being said, God has blessed me with a love and compassion for people.. the blessed.. the hurting.. the broken... the lost.. because when it comes down to it... we are all people.. we all are gonna be broken at one point or the other.. we are all going to face storms in this life... the difference is... some are walking through those storms by themselves.. holding on for dear life.. hoping to survive... and others are boldly walking through the storms.. holding the hand of the one who holds the world... beloved I pray you know those hands.