John 6
One could write books and books on all of the treasures
found in John, chapter six. It opens
with Jesus feeding the five thousand, next scene is Jesus walking on water, and
it ends with Christ’s riveting teaching on the bread of life which leads to the
turning away of many of his disciples.
This chapter of John continuously echoes the sovereignty of God.
Sovereignty is something that many struggle with and has
recently become a ‘hot topic’ in the church today. The truth of it is this word makes people
uncomfortable because we try to fit infinite, omniscient God into a pretty
little box with a bow on it. Make no
mistake, He cannot be contained.
In the portion of scripture where Jesus feeds the five
thousand, Jesus asked Philip “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people
may eat?” Verse 6 says “He said this to
test him, for he himself knew what he would do.” I love this scene! I am so thankful that our King has a sense of
humor. Just like Jesus knew how he was
going to feed five thousand men, he also knew that Philip was going to look at
him like he was crazy when he asked him this question. I’m sure Jesus got a little chuckle and had
somewhat of a winking “watch this” look about him when he then told his
disciples to have the people sit down.
You see, it did not catch Jesus by surprise when he had five thousand
extra mouths to feed that day. After
all, he was the same God who rained manna from heaven all those years
before. He is the same God who had
provided food for those folks every other day of their lives. Just as this did not catch Christ by
surprise, nor do any of the trials that we face. They may catch us by surprise, but God knows
every single hiccup or catastrophe that we have faced and will face. The book of Job shows us that as His
children, all of those attacks have to go through him first and beloved, know
that if He allows it, you better believe He will show himself faithful to carry
you through it for His glory!
After the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus withdrew to
the mountain by himself. It says that
evening, his disciples got into a boat and started across the sea to
Capernaum. Now, reading this I thought
‘’Why did his disciples leave him? That wasn’t very nice! These are supposed to be his ‘boys’’’ In
Matthews account it says that Jesus made the disciples go before him in
the boat (Matt 14:22). Okay, this made
more sense to me now. Once again, He had
this planned all along. Later that night
Jesus comes walking up to them on the water to show He is in fact God’s
Son. I can just imagine those disciple’s
faces. In all the time they had spent in
a boat, never had they had something like this happen! I love how every single detail and instance
of the miracles in Jesus’ ministry were planned before time. The sovereignty of God is so cool yet so
overwhelming to try to grasp.
The next portion of scripture we see Jesus teaching the
crowds that He is the Bread of Life. Jesus speaks of the sovereignty of God
when He says “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and
whoever believes in me shall never thirst…. All that the Father gives me will
come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” And “This is the
will of him who sent me, that I should
lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last
day”. And again when He says “No one can
come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him”. Verse 64 says “There are some of you who do
not believe. (For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were who did not
believe, and who it was who would betray him.)
And he said, ‘This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless
it is granted him by the Father.’” The
truth is that we cannot even desire God on our own. That desire, that draw alone comes from the
Father because He knows those who are His before the creation of the
world. We cannot boast in anything but
Christ alone. This makes many
uncomfortable when you look at the flip side of this truth and think ‘Why did
God make those who are not his?’ you can also ask the question ‘Why did God
create Judas?’ Judas still had a
purpose, but Judas didn’t belong to God.
We cannot try to understand the mind of God with the mind of man and
when we seek to do so is when we get in trouble. We should seek after His heart and seek to be
transformed into His hearts likeness but we have to understand that God will
never fit into our box. He is omniscient
and loving, gracious and merciful, He is God alone. Amen.
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