My last post was an exclamation of God's goodness... well He is STILL good! Here is the story of yet another time that God has revealed His faithfulness to me... this is the "more to come"..
A few months ago we were informed by our tax guy that we owed the IRS quite a bit of money. Needless to say we were not expecting this. Every year we have got money back but we were in a different tax bracket this year as well as the move and other things, we ended up owing money. After building and moving into our house it took a pretty big chunk out of our savings so what we owed we didnt have in our account. Well of course our immediate thought was "oh man"...
Allow me stop here and explain that Luke has always been very anxious and OCD about our finances.. everything had to be perfect... lets just say he was extremely OVER responsible... to the point of anxiety over nothing... recently in the past couple of years God has done an amazing work in his heart teaching him that it is from God and by God that all things are provided... He has placed a deep desire to focus on investing in His kingdom instead of our 401K... to completely trust and overcome the anxieties that often come by being the head of the household... I am so proud to be that man's bride.
Normally this situation would have probably cause Luke's head to spontaneously combust... but I stood there in the parking lot of our childrens pediatricians office... right after we got the phone call... and I saw first hand the change that God had performed in my husbands heart. I looked at him and said "What in the world are we going to do?" and he calmly and peacefully said "Hunny, it will be fine... we honor God with what He gives us... He will take care of it." What a change! I thank God for healing Him of those anxieties!!! I was the one kinda scrambling! I then said "I will be fine as soon as I talk to the Lord about this..." So I went home and put the kids down for a nap and fell on my face before God. I immediately began to cry and ask Him to forgive me for being fearful for one second! I said "Lord You are FAITHFUL I have seen it and I trust You above all else! I dont care what our circumstances say... I TRUST YOU! You are my Father and You take care of Your kids! Whatever your will is... I trust You. Lord You have taken care of us... our treasure is not in the material things in this world... it is in You and You alone... so You just work this out how you see fit... I trust You" The very second I fell on my face... so did my fear... I know who God is and I believe Him..
A few days later we found out that we had some stock that had matured that we could sell .. but it still wouldnt cover all of the taxes. So the plan was to just save as much as we could ... pray and trust God.. then in the midst of the stock market falling our stocks increased quite a bit.. enough for that coupled with what we had in savings to cover it! We are so thankful!!! God had provided!!!! Our treasure and worth is not in the numbers that our next to our name at our bank... it is in God alone!!!! But the story doesnt end there...
The day we had sold the stock and were making transfers to send the check to the IRS we were left with $300 in our account... we were just praising God for providing and His faithfulness.. and how good He is... we hung up the phone and Halle and I were in Ross's looking at kitchen stuff and my phone rings... its Luke.. he had just talked to our mortgage company and we had over paid on our escrow and we would be getting a pretty hefty chunk of change back! We were gonna have more than we had to start with! This is more that we can give back to Him! Thank you God... He goes WAY PAST OUR WAY PAST! We walk through this life free from the burdens of this world because we belong to the King... He is our Daddy and Daddy's got this :) Our treasure is not in the stupid fleeting things of this world saturated with materialism... it is in Christ alone! He is our treasure!!! Whatever He gives to us our desire is to turn around and give it right back to Him... our time, money, home, cars... whatever... its all His and for His glory! God is FAITHFUL! I am so thankful to be called His daughter!
What a testimony! Share it, share it so He gets all the glory. Thank you for sharing Melissa. We are having to pay a hefty chunk too. My husband also reminded me where it all comes from anyway and He does provide. Enjoyed your post so much.