"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

Thursday, February 21, 2013


It's been a busy season. Good. Hard. Busy.  As I sit in the floor of my bedroom in our apartment in Frisco Texas, all I can think is wow.  God has blown me away!  I never saw this one coming.  I am so excited for Him to reveal to us why he has brought us here.  There are so many things I have learned so far!  My head is spinning so my writing will most probably reflect that lol. 

Since we arrived here almost two weeks ago, we have been inundated with flyer's and invitations to different churches.  Right off, I see we may not be in Shreveport/Bossier anymore, but we are definitely not far.  There are mega churches on every corner.  "An experience so comfortable, you will never want to leave", "Come discovery your destiny", "Jesus wants you to be successful and happy!"  all statements from these invitations.  This place is consumed with false doctrine and heretical teaching.  Wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to devour the weak in spirit.  Leading them straight to the slaughter.  It's easy for me to be discouraged and think "how can I make a difference?" 

Sometimes I think it would be easier to be in a third world country where people are so hungry for Jesus... here people are so fat with consumerism and this Jesus that is so concerned with their destiny, comfort and success.  Newsflash.  Jesus died a horrific death and rose again.. that was successful.. that is the standard by which He views success... dieing to ourselves and living for him!  NOT this genie in a bottle gospel that says, pray hard enough.. speak and think positive enough and you will get that promotion..  that's heretical at best.  The truth is that success that comes from Jesus is so much greater than any job promotion.  It's joy that is unshakable even in the worst circumstances.  It's hope when this world is falling apart around you.  It's peace in this world of anxiety.  It's the heart of the son or daughter that says "Lord, if you so will to bless me with this job promotion, let it be, but if that's not your plan, I trust you.  Regardless, help me to make much of you and proclaim your gospel to a hurting and lost people.  It is well with me soul". 
This false doctrine has always stirred up such a holy anger in my heart.  It is going to take much seeking and praying on my part in order to discern how to speak the truth in love without ranting.  I am surrounded by wealth and glittering things.  The pull is so strong on my flesh to give in.. there have been many moments of repentance from covetousness.  God is so gracious and merciful and doesn't let me get far without gently reminding me of who I am and why I am here.  It's not for me.  I'm learning to walk the line of enjoying what he has given, without it taking up residence in my heart.  Oh Lord, protect this adulterous heart!

We are seeking out where God wants us to by a home.  We have asked Him, "Lord, do we buy something in a slum to minister there and look different than the rest of this world that is chasing the dollar or do we buy something nice and be surrounded by consumerism and a people who seem so disinterested in the real Gospel?"  Friend, I will tell you plainly, to me, going to the ghetto would be the easier road of the two.  Personally, I have always struggled with a heart of compassion towards the wealthy.  I am so easily annoyed by pretentious people!! It drives me crazy!  I had a feeling when we moved here that that was EXACTLY who God was calling me to minister to.  Not only for their hearts, but also for mine.  I don't want to be Jonah.  Rich or poor, we all need him!  I am committed to live each day on mission and love and minister to whoever he places in my path that day.  To make much of Jesus.  To bring attention to Him and not myself.  We shall see... this is only the beginning....

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